Sunday, July 09, 2006

What a weekend!
I got pretty much nothing done that I NEEDED to get done...
but I accomplished a lot that I WANTED to get done!

Number one on my list was improving the energy flow in my creative space. SOooo...
I pulled the sewing machine out of it's cluttered corner and propped it on a desk that I brought BACK upstairs (it was just collecting junk downstairs) and sat the whole shabang next to my workdesk/hutch. Now I can sew without hinderance... I can't wait to see how this changes my scrapping since the sewing machine in now 18" away as opposed to across the room in a hard to get my fat butt into corner.

On a serious note... I need to declutter my life. I think that doing that will make it easier to deal with all of the day to day bs that I have to deal with. I want to have a nice uncluttered house that is easy to digest visually! Even my sewing room is a picture of organized clutter. I started off having my living room as the only uncluttered space, now that is cluttered as well because people just like to drop their junk where space is available.

I know I can't do it alone but it's looking more and more like I'm going to have to. I can't get back into any types of hobbying until I free the energy flow in my house...

I guess I should just go ahead and sell it all then...


Blogger Maddy said...

Hey Jae - sounds like we're in the same place. I started a major declutter a few weeks ago and mine is a one-woman job too. In fact, sometimes I dispair that I can't keep up with running behind everyone that's intent on undoing my good work. But by getting rid of stuff, it gives them less to work with when it comes to trashing the place! First off I downsized everyone's wardrobes - allowing each person a maximum of 7 day's worth of clothing. Since then the laundry has been completely managable. Next on my list to clear are toys! We run the risk of drowning in toys! Good luck with you declutter - perhaps we should swap tips!

11:32 AM  
Blogger Jenn :) said...

Doing that as we speak's VERY liberating...just to get rid of stuff instead of saying...well maybe someday I'll use it. It'll be nice to finally move into our house without all this excess baggage running around. Good luck!!

12:08 PM  

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