Wednesday, July 05, 2006

...4th of July... let's not and say we did...

The 4th was pretty much a bust as far as activities went. We went to Walmart... we went to a very pitiful Bay Days Carnival (way overpriced and the rides looked a little lax on the upkeep) and we cooked out. My city decided not to host fireworks this year, so that was pretty disappointing for the kids.

The big story is the 4 hours of awful thunderstorms that had everyone on edge from midnight - 4am! It was an on hard and fast for 35 minutes then off for a very silent 10-15 min. type of deal.. all I could think of was the possibility of a tornado touching down! Of course 4 hours of downpour made for very over zealous mosquitos the next day, so poor Jo has clusters of bug bites on her legs, despite the OFF! that we doused her with.

Oh, I forgot to mention that on Saturday, the neighbors' idiot son backed his car into our fence! Thanks to my EasyShare I was able to get pictures of the incident right after it happened and the 3 laughing teens who went to survey the damage after the moved the car to the front of the house, and the damage to the fence that Shayne was reluctant to investigate. I'm almost certain that if they hadn't seen me out there with my camera minutes after the incident, they wouldn't have confessed to their lady that I assume was the mother. As it was, she showed up at our door a few hours later with kids in tow to apologize and offer to fix out fence. Alls well that ends well.

I ready Dave Pelzer's book yesterday "A Child called It" I believe it was called... it broke my heart and made me much more aware of how easily some can slip into abusive behaviour and the impact that that can have on a child. It also stirred up a desire in me to kick his mom's teeth in, but that's violent J talking. The fact that that little boy grew up to be a successful man with a family of his own and a message to share, well that just amazes me, he could've allowed his abuse to destroy him and he didn't. It took 3 hours for me to read it... it was that riveting and painful. Now I have to read the sequels. Another good book is "Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold, but I would only reccomend it to those who can stomache the reality of our violent world.

I guess I can't really complain about the time that I got to spend with my family, but I had hoped for something more... memorable and a little less disappointing for the kids.


Blogger Jenn :) said...

Sounds like a great book....not all people who come from abusive environments keep the cycle going...some of them choose better.

You had quite the interesting day didn't you?? And braving Walmart on the holiday?? Are you NUTS?? And yay on the fence...glad you took some pics...speaking is that new camera of yours?? (or was it just the lense??)

11:05 AM  
Blogger Essentially Jae' said...

Camera great... just have to learn how to use it. Lenses... love them... when I remember to use them. The playground pics were taken with my zoom lense at 50% of the optical zoom... I was standing about 20ft away cause I didn't want to get my tired butt off the bench too much. lol!

I agree about the choices that people make and I'm glad that he chose differently! His case was the 3rd worst case in the state of California! I also just found out that his little brother Richard cashed in on his fame by writing his own books about how his mom turned to abusing him after Dave was rescued, even though he was on her side and denied Dave's abuse to the authorities. So he pretty much got to have Pelzer's fame right out the gate because he was using the Pelzer name to publish the book. I have mixed feelings on that, but I will leave that to another blog.

12:04 PM  
Blogger The Mad World of Me said...

Hiya honey,

I just spent over an hour "catching up" with you here! I so understand everything you are on about, Miss ya ohhh and little angel is delightful!!


8:22 AM  

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