Monday, June 26, 2006

It's time for a break...

It's been a whole whopping month since I set this account up... and I've done nothing to get it set up really. Mainly because I've been busy getting my butt spanked and handed back to me by the scrapping world. I have tried and failed to land a whopping 6 DT's; 2 that were for sites that I had given my heart to.

I have accepted that the online scrapbooking industry isn't about art anymore. Well, it is, but not as much as it used to be. No, now it's about popularity.

Two women could submit similar layouts to the same call and the one who is more "known" will be published.

40 women can submit to DT calls... and 35 women will be rejected... not an unreal expectation given the number of available spots... except the fact that at least 3 of those rejected women will have presented work that blew 3 of the selectees work out of the water. So why do they get selected?
  • Because they buddy up to the owner?
  • Because they plan weekend crops with the owner to "get to know each other better"?
  • Because they have an "inside gal" who can get them in for 'favors'?
  • Because they have been published 40 times?
  • Because they promise to post updates about each site they DT for in their blogs which all have large readerships?
  • Because they are already on 6-8 DT's and therefore project an attitude of being well sought after?

Yes... all of those. Scrapbooking has become a popularity contest. So what can we do?
Yup, nothing.

It's not up to us. We don't make the decisions. The shop owners do. It is up to all of the owners to decide for themselves whether they want someone who is on their team just for the notch that it affords their belts or if they are in it because they are in love with the community. Were I a shop owner, I wouldn't want the oppotunists who swoop in during the last week of my calls with their accolades ablazing. I don't need that. I need someone who will posess a personality dynamic that will help keep the site interesting. I would need someone who has at least a little time to committ to the site. I was looking on the Veggie board the other day and the topic of what makes a good DT came up. The majority... we are talking 85% of the gals there said that they don't like calls that require board participation. What does that say about their level of committment to the sites that they would DT for? What does that say about them? What does that say about the sites that would tolerate having designers that were no more committed to them than the next jo schmoe that will give them free product?

The only thing we can do is sit and wait. Well, we could not shop on sites that have DT's that aren't active, but I'm sure that little ding won't amount to much. We could just wait it out... I've seen several ladies fall from grace as a result of their greed. I've seen shops fail because the owners were riding the wave of success (as were their DTs) and they neglected to tend to the flock... the flock rebelled and the site's ratings plumetted. But do they really learn that way? We could cross over to the darkside and immulate the very people that make us cringe and seeth. I personally don't see myself doing that... my hobby would become a job and my moral core would be replaced by greed, calcuations and self idolatry. No, I'd rather sit back and wait.

Actually, I'm not even doing that. I'm stepping back. That's right, I have abandoned the world that doesn't want me as I am. I won't be scrapping anything for a few weeks and then when I have finally gotten the poison out of my system, I will begin scrapping again. For me, and my family. Unpublished, offline, and pure. When, and only when I feel that I have repaired my selfworth sufficiently, I will reenter the online arena with my game face on. I actually look forward to my transformation.


Blogger Jenn :) said...

wow. dude. (((hugs))) yet everything you said is total truths...I dont' get it either. And it IS a popularity contest...there are a few store owners that are fair and just..and those that just wanna succeed. Please continue to share with me cuz I love your stuff. :)

11:50 AM  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...

AMEN! To every little bit you said. I can't believe that the shop owners don't see what they let themselves in for when recruiting someone who already has 6 - 8 DT spots. How can they pledge loyalty?

Jae' you totally rock and I have been inspired by your work so many times. I agree with Jenn, once in a while I would love to get an email with a picture of one of your stunning creations!

Love ya chicken

1:13 PM  

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