Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Failing down to a science...


I'm a failure. This much is true.
Jump on my bandwagon,
and you'll fail too...

Day 2 of my escape from myself. What did I do last night?
I spent it mourning my craft in my scraproom. I did check in
on the last of the DT calls that I submitted for.
Did you get it? huh? huh? Didja?

Don't be silly.

So what do you do when you are a simple clean scrapper in a
world gone nutso over doodling? You flounder and you fail.

I created these two layouts for a call last week...and they stood
out like sore thumbs...

This one was of my daughter Jo. I love the way the canvas photo paper gave it an all together different look. BUT... I didn't doodle on it (though I think the stitching could be counted towards that criteria). It's not bold, it's not chocked full of different conflicting and undulating patterns. But it IS a reflection of who I am as a scrapper... I just wish that it were enough...

I guess I could've written in my own hand... but who is thinking about such things when they have Cathy Zielski on the brain? I'm so in love with this layout, I think it's my best work yet... but who am?

This is a layout that I did of my big sister Kim.Ain't she purty? She's a bit jagged on the uptake sometimes but she is a person who knows the meaning of the word loyalty. I love the twisted little nutcase and that is where this layout came from. From the ashes of this friendship came this layout. Yeah... she's gorgeous... some people think that those Siberian Tigers are gorgeous too... how many of THOSE do you want to crawl up into bed with? We are well suited...
like spirits... so maybe we cancel each other out?

Anyway, amidst much praise and oohing, those layouts were deemed not a true representation of what the industry depicts to be the going trend. So my question is why advertise for all types of scrappers? Seriously... if you want the trend riders... request those. If you want all types, then one would expect you to have a diverse Design Team gallery. Again... those pennies are mine.

Now, where was I? Oh, I mourned... without the tears this time and I silently gave up. I extinguished the torch of my creative spirit and I called it a day... for now. I have my mind and heart set on working my way through this. Reinventing who I am and getting comfy with my life away from dominating trends. My hubby pointed out something that made me sick to my stomach yesterday. He said that it was all bullcrap... and that if C. Zielski were to submit to those same calls, scrapping in her stunning simplistic way, she would've been a shoe in because of her name. So unless I make a name for myself, I will always be the odd man out in the industry... at least until the trends go back to simple... which would be really funny to me.

I did do a lot of set up work for the GOF study groups, which is good. I did manage to purchase my ticket for the Descendium in Chicago in August AND I went to bed at 9:30pm!! Now if I could just get my butt out of the bed at 5am and excercise. 40lbs to go...

Today... I have to step back into my creativity for a moment and finish up two projects that I started... it's only fair... I can't let my funk keep me from telling the people that I care about that I care about them. AND I have to make a card for my Dad. I also have to work on my last project for Scrapitude ... then I'm done with scrapping for a few weeks. Honestly, I can't wait to get into something else... it'll probably get my mojo flowin' in a whole new direction... can't go anywhere but up from here... *insert eyeroll and snort*


Blogger Jenn :) said...

Dude...simple is good. I've been adopting that theory lately...I have so much to do and besides..the clean look is becoming much more appealing to my eye now more than ever. Please don't give up on it because you are hella talented...but I do agree with the whole name thing...but how do we get our own name when no one will give us a chance?? It's a lose lose situation dude. (((Hugs)))

2:51 PM  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...

WHo are you calling a nutcase....hu? You wanna fight??

I am so touched to have a LO done by you, because *I* happen to love your style.

It is scary to think though that you are so right - if you don't scrap like everyone else, you don't even get a look-in. It's a disgrace quite frankly.

9:16 AM  

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