Monday, July 03, 2006

...all in the name of smaller butts...

4.5 miles...
That's how far I walked today. Speedwalked rather. While pushing a jogger stroller. Tristan complained all the way to the school where we stopped for 30minutes for playtime. Then he complained about the extended route that I chose back home... even though it took us past a convenience mart where I bought them some drinks and chips for the rest of the mile back home.

How do I feel now?
Like somebody beat the crap out of me! I know that I did a good thing for my quest for thighs that don't touch... but damed! I have to keep moving because when I let my thighs rest they rebel when I try to mobilize again. You'd think that they would want to stop bumping up against each other. I'm not giving up though... I love feeling like I've done something productive. Much more productive that the little mile that I was doing everyday at work. I swear once I reach my goal I will never go back to this! If I so much as think of eating something that will put fat back on thighs I'll smack the taste out of my own mouth!

On another note, I miss scrapbooking. I've come close to breaking a couple of times this weekend but I've set goals for myself and I'm going to stick with them. To appease my urge I bought an entire set of Plaid Tearing Edge Rulers and a bunch of adhesive on Ebay. It's hard to not scrap when I get to take pictures like this, but at least it gives me something to look forward to.

I think that next on my list is to go transparent with my layout template system. I currently have a cardstock system set up to help me figure out my layouts, but I like the one that Deluxe Designs has set up using transparent templates... might as well since I have time on my hands right?


Blogger Jenn :) said...

oooh ooh ooh...I want thighs that don't touch together. :) GREAT job on the walk dude..that's awesome. And great are those photos?? They would make me wanna scrap too...IF I could see my table that is. ;)

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you on the walking Jae....might take a page out of your book! Those photos are great:) Sooooo glad you're missing scrapbooking....that means you'll be back with us soon. I miss your inspiration. I love the sound of your templates, I'll have to have a look into that.


12:16 PM  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...

YAY - you go chicken!!! YOu are deffo on the right track, because you ARE doing something about it. I am proud of you already and I know you can do it!!!!

I echo Sally's Sentiments and hope that we will be inspired by your LO's sometime soon again


5:03 PM  

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