Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Oh what a feel good night!

... I came home today and sat on my butt...
yup... and it felt good!

I did go for a brisk walk today at lunch... I went to the grocery store to pick up a salad for lunch...30 minutes of fast walking total. I feel like I've finally done something! It also helped me stay away the rest of the afternoon!

I really need to take my weight loss seriously! I know that I can hit my 145lb goal... and I will be so happy! At 5'9 I don't want to be any smaller than that and my husband already told me that he doesn't want a stick... which is good because I don't want to be anorexic!

We had grilled chicken and baked potato for dinner, yum! Shayne has really been doing a great job at preparing meals that don't sabatoge my efforts. I am so blessed that he is preparing dinner when I get home every evening! Can you imagine what my life would be like if he were like those jerks that want their meals on the table despite the fact that their wives work the same full time job that they do! Nope... in that aspect, I have a little Emeril at home and I'm happy.

I have no idea what to do with my time now. I'm not reqretting my decision to step back but I'm just not ready to jump into June Clever mode yet. I'm still getting a few things out of my system but I think that he anger and bitterness is dissipating. I still sketch out a layout almost everynight but as far as the desire to run into my scraproom and breath life into the sketch... that's leaving me slowly but surely. You know how they say if you love someone/something... let it go.. if it comes back... cliche' cliche'

Jenn pointed out a bit of ugliness that is going on in the success arena of scrapbooking and I'm so glad that I am no longer entangled in that web. I think that a lot of the up and comers can stand to take a lot of notes from the true industry greats when it comes to how they handle negativity. You have to expect negativity to knock on your door... I'm sure that Ali, Cathy, Lisa B., Faith, and Heidi have all had their fair share of negative comments, and I am sure that they handled themselves with class and dignity. To lash out and resort to name calling, accusations and character assassinations because someone says something that put you on your guard... that in and of itself is childish and unprofessional. Like I tell my son, don't meet negativity with negativity. It pains me to see someone who has achieved success try to destroy others because of an opinion. Some of these women weild their success like a razor sharp sword and they travel in such diverse circles that they can potentional get a person blackballed and outsted. If I ever attain that type of success, I will try my darndest to meet any negativity with a positive attitude and I would be embarrassed to have my friends rally for a witch hunt.

Grace and style will rule the day. What will always stick in my mind about this particular scrapper, no matter how successful she becomes is the way that she handled negativity... that's a very telling thing...

Okay enough about scrapbooking! Tomorrow I'm making curtains for Jo's room. I went into the garden and had a discussion with my tomato plants. They're little teenagers now... thick stalks and all. I remember when they were just little 2" babies, now they are 14" tall. The Beefstakes are just brutish, the cherries.. well they're petite but spunky and the Roma... well the roma's are my problem children. There's a bunny that keeps getting in the yard and eating my strawberry leaves and the birds leave little for me to pick over with the rasberries, but I am playing mother earth and I'm loving it! I can't wait for the first harvest. I just wish that Jenn and Kim could come over for a meal! Peas.. oh I didn't mention the peas... they are taking on a life of their own and the Pumpkin and Cukes... I don't know what to make of them...they weren't my idea.

Anyway! I'm leaving this blog with yet another
picture of malibu Jordan... ain't she cute?


Blogger Jenn :) said...

ahhh..she's a doll!! I LOVE that suit's adorable!! Yay on the envious of your abilities...I seem to kill everything I touch. Black thumb? I think so.

Negativity is such an ugly new leaf I turned over just's void of negativity..what a liberating thing.

Honestly...what I still don't get is the whole 'paid the dues' thing...that's what gets me..maybe I should blog my frustrations about that comment. Until tomorrow...smooches!

11:15 PM  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...

Oh my lordy....I am loving those pictures! Can I scrap em?? Pretty please?? I have the bestest papers for them....oh oh oh oh I NEED to scrap them or I explode

I wish I could be there to see your tomatoes and peas - erm, am I the only one who thinks that this sounds rather kinky??

9:20 AM  
Blogger Essentially Jae' said...

You know you don't have to ask, I'll send you the full size files so that you can scale them without losing the resolution... I'm glad that they gave you a jolt, lol!

I'm not sure I want you to see my tomatoes and peas anymore... you're making me nervous!

9:54 AM  
Blogger Jenn :) said...

Kimmy you are SUCH a pervert. *snort* Although I AM a fan of peas. :)

4:40 PM  

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