Monday, July 03, 2006

Whirlwind weekend...

I wonder where my so called long weekend has gone? Here it is, already Monday morning and I am feeling like I haven't accomplished much-though the sand in my hourglass is rapidly vacating.

So what DID I do?

FRIDAY: I went to the grocery store-with 2yr in tow- right after work, came home to a dinner partially prepared and a husband who already had one foot out the door. After a lovely grilled chicken, corn nibblet and cheesy garlic toast dinner (completed by moi), I started laundry and tried to set my mind in order. We finally settled down and watched Nanny McPhee which was extremely entertaining... Highly recommended for anybody with young impressionable kids who don't listen, lol.

SATURDAY: Didn't do much as Shayne worked the night before and having come in at 6am he wasn't much for family festivities till at least noon. Tristan went to his first ever swimming pool party... tons of fun was had by all... we sat on our duffs and watched some meaning less TV shows until we got brave enough to go and work in the garden which was being visited by a very angry sun.

SUNDAY: After much debate and frustration, I decided to treat Tristan to a couple of Matinee's at the theater down the way. We took in the 11:15 showing of Superman Returns (excellent) and the 2:15 showing of X-Men:Final Battle (also excellent!) right afterwards. After the theater, we hit the Dollar Tree on our way home... I hit the proverbial jackpot let me tell you!

They had a lovely shipment of Miss Elizabeth Alpha Rubons and metal tags and brads in this time, so of course, always preparing for my return to scrapbooking, I indulged! The rubons are all on 4.5 x 14" sheets, the Chunky Alphas are just under 1.5" at their largest (letter D) and 3/4" at the smallest. The Tiny Alphas are about 1/2". I think they were a bargain at $1 per pack (The Chunky and Random white came with A-N on one sheet and M-Z on a second sheet, so they were actually $2 for the complete alphabet ... still a bargain!

TODAY: Well... I have to go look for my new running sneakers, grab the jogger stroller and go for quick walk before the sun pops out and looses it's mind again.... so I guess I should do that.
Shayne decided to work this morning because they are going to pay employees triple time (NOT triple time and a half) to for every hour worked today... the building is going to be opened for 12 hours he's going to work 8 and then come back home. Pretty awesome getting paid for 24hours in an 8hour day and we will used the proceeds from this day to finish the front patio.

Okay... off for my walk...more later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Hun!

I'm just going to have to come and visit! Your dinner sounded scrummy and as for the Dollar tree.....what a fab shop!

You sound really relaxed this weekend!

9:57 AM  
Blogger Jenn :) said...

yeah I hit our Dollar Tree too but alas...not quite the colleciton as you scored. I did figure those metal ribbon things would match PERFECTLY with the AC metals you gave me. Isn't it weird that all her stuff is SO exact with AC??

5:03 PM  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...


Those Rub ons are to die for!

5:05 PM  

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