Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It's August 1st...

... and I've yet to see a huge revelation manifest itself.

I went to be last night, excited and eagerly anticipating this day. This day was to mark my return to the scrapbooking world. Today was supposed to be the day that the lock on my creative spirit. Today was supposed to be different; symbolic; monumental.

But I woke up and as I lay in my bed, staring at my ocean green ceiling I realized 2 things:

1. Today is just Tuesday, yes it's the 1st of August, but it's little more than that. and

2. I'm just not ready. I can still feel the anger and the resentment. I don't want that coming into my creative space.

I went into my craftroom after my shower and tried perusing some of my favorite sites. It just wasn't there. I've amassed an arsenal of supplies in preparation for this day and now I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to get my main creative engine going again. I knew that was a danger in stopping completely, but I didn't know that I would have to rediscover scrapbookings' magic once I left.

The good thing is that I've had a month full of sit down dinners/meals with my family. I've bonded a bit with my son over our fav tv shows (Hell's Kitchen and So You Think You Can Dance). I've sold a little bit of stuff on Ebay and I have plans in work to get rid of the rest I don't care how much I rake in, I just want it out of my house even if I only make enough to buy an ice cream cone with. I've managed to get most of my house in some sort of order (though they do protest to my insistence that there be no dishes sitting in my sink and that it remain dry when not in use. I've learned a little bit about me and I've learned a lot about what I like. I've even read a couple of books that my son reccomended.

Sooo... I guess 'baby steps' will be the new phrase that pays. I am going to set a goal for myself though because I refuse to succumb to this. I have given thought to all that I need to accomplish in order to be able to focus on scrapbooking with any effective degree of intensity:

1. I need to move all of the ebay ready stuff out of my house. I estimate that I have 40 auctions coming up. I just need to get off my ass and do them. Lump stuff together, take the pictures, upload and write the auction out, then list and see where they go. This does work! I listed a piece of fabric that I bought for very little and I made 4 times what I paid for it easily!

2. I need to carry my successful Kitchen and Family Room management plan into my dining room and somehow keep the clutter out of there. I am tempted to make the dining room for eating only, but I just don't have the energy for the battle.

I will return... kind of... eventually...


Blogger The Mad World of Me said...


Baby steps sounds good. Take those steps as you feel them and they will be all the more rewarding.

11:36 AM  
Blogger Kim Sonksen said...

I am so gonna blackmail you now - if you arenot coming back to our side of the world, I will stop scrapping.....there is no way on this planet that I have you not scrapping again.

But as Jaks said - baby steps are good, as long as you keep stepping them up xoxox

4:35 AM  

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