Monday, September 25, 2006

Laundry Sucks!

September was Shayne's month to do laundry.

Those words should mean no more to you than if I said the sky is blue. Why? Because they mean even less than that to his highness, the King of absentminded procrastination!

I have endured a large portion of my family room being given over to dirty laundry staging. This is maily because our cat likes to curl up in any baskets that we store in the laundry room and she has almost been washed twice! So I allow the staging of the baskets in an area of the familyroom since it's right off of the laundry room.
Well, all month those baskets have overflowed and we've had a few issues with people running out of clothes. I thought that we were just going through laundry too fast and that poor Shayne couldn't keep up! I lectured Tristan and make a conscious effort to limit the amount of dirty laundry I generated. I figured this would help him get his head above water before the end of the month...

Well, it turns out that Shayne wasn't even at the damned pool, let alone struggling to keep from drowning! I came in on Friday night and started sorting the laundry (stepping on piles of dirty laundry has never been a favorite of mine and I don't reccommend it to anyone wishing to keep their ankles intact). I wound up with 9 loads of laundry, not including the towels/blankets! I uncovered a pair of jeans that I'd worn in Chicago that he hadn't "gotten around" to yet! That was THE last straw! That night, I washed, dried and folded 3 of the loads.

It was amazingly liberating. Who would've thought that being able to see the floor could bring about a pseudo-orgasmic state? I got up on Saturday and forewent washing the truck for doing laundry again! I'm almost certain that if it weren't for Tristan's football game, I would've finished all of the laundry that day, but as it stands, I had to go support my copy and in doing so lost me 6 hours. So I managed to do 4 loads on Saturday. Then Sunday came and I was up at the buttcrack of dawn again...doing what? Laundry! When I finally went to bed I had the last load in the washer patiently waiting dryer attention.

All the whole weekend, Shayne pretty much layed around because he claims his back was sore again! I got NO Scrapbooking done... what so ever. I did manage to run by the library to check my emails though (I had to return some books anyway).

I am so pissed that I gave away my entire weekend for the sake of well stocked closets and a clean family room! I did get Shayne to take care of the 2 baskets that he did manage to get done in the 22 days that the chore was his. The were the 2 baskets of random clothes that he'd washed based on what a particular family member needed at the time, so the baskets had been rummaged through and pilfered of any valuable articles. He did manage to always wash Tristans football uniforms the day of practice or the game... however, they hardly ever had time to dry properly, so Tristan was playing damp a lot (why the boy didn't bring it to my attention until after I'd hung up all of his practice and game jerseys (fresh washed) and returned his freshly laundered pads to him is beyond me!).

Anyway... I'm a bit miffed and feeling a lot cheated!

All of my laundry is just about done though, so I guess things could be worse.

I plan to scrap my head off this week to make up for all of the work I did this weekend!


Blogger CaroleW said...

Jae how did you ever get Shayne even to AGREE to laundry duty? It's as secret you must share.... OK I realise he didn't actually DO it :( but it's a concept that would never have borne fruit even when Derek was capable!

Your blog gave me a good laugh at the end of a very stressful day! Thanks!

2:15 PM  
Blogger Jenn :) said...

Wow..that's my question too. You rotate months?? Hmmm. Well you had me beat...kinda. I did do 6 loads of laundry yesterday and that was for only a week!! The nice part abuot the whole laundrymat thing though is the abundance of washers and dryers. :)

2:27 PM  
Blogger Essentially Jae' said...

It was really easy to get him to agree. I told him that I could do bad by my damned self and didn't need his help in doing it. I stopped washing his clothes for 2 months and told him that if the balance wasn't shifted soon, he'd realize that I DID know how to change locks fast and I would.

3:14 PM  

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